Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Competent vs Competitive Death of a Salesman Essay

Nearly everyone has the desire to be successful in their lives, whether it be measured in the amount of wealth a man owns or the accomplishments he has made in his life. Therein lies the most common, the success in a mans profession. There are multiple approaches to this connotation of success where a wide range of techniques can be applied. One might think that the only way to reach a particular level of success is to take on a competitive nature and achieve that coveted position of number 1. However, being competitive does not necessarily insure that a person is ‘successful.’ They must be competent in their field to reach the top spot. An example of these two sides can be found within Arthur Miller’s Death of A Salesman using the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Wily: Your father came to me the day you were born and asked me what I thought of the name Howard, may he rest in peace.† (Miller, page 80.) At the end of the play, it is clear who had triumphe d. Willy’s dreams had never come to fruition, and in the despair of realizing they never would decides to commit suicide to bring some sense of pride to himself by leave Biff with his life insurance money. Through these character, Miller is stating that it is not always the hopeful man that will win, it is the man who does his job and does it well. However, not all of Miller’s characters follow this sort of ‘rule.’ Willy experiences hallucinations and flashbacks of his brother Ben, who went into the African jungle at 19 and walked out rich at 21 through his discovery of diamonds. Ben represents the American Dream in a literal sense; Ben earned his fortune quickly and with little to no exertion. Unlike Bernard, he was neither sufficiently skilled in a trade nor a hard worker. So if not competent, then surely competitive? Just the opposite in fact. Ben had separated himself from the city, and thus had separated himself from the ambitious competitors. Competi tion is an important factor in maintaining a healthy economy, or at least in terms of America’s free enterprise system. This competition between two business to secure the money of a third partyShow MoreRelatedMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 PagesJuggernaut Starbucks: A Paragon of Growth and Employee Benefits Finds Storms Boston Beer: Is Greater Growth Possible? 29 46 PART II MARKETING WARS 61 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Cola Wars: Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi PC Wars: Hewlett-Packard vs. Dell Airliner Wars: Boeing vs. Airbus; and Recent Outsourcing Woes 63 86 PART III COMEBACKS Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 McDonald’s: Rebirth Through Moderation Harley-Davidson: Creating An Enduring Mystique Continental Airlines:Read MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pages107 109 Stage One: Where are we now? 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